How to post a note

Have something to tell your neighbors? Follow the steps below to write a note on your neighborhood bulletin board:

  1. Sign in at
  2. Under "Write Note" click inside the text box
  3. Type your note
  4. To add a link, click "Add link", then copy-and-paste a valid link into the box and click "Add"
    • A preview of the website will be displayed automatically. If you don't want to display this preview, hover your cursor over the "X" to "Delete Link" or "Delete Preview".
  5. To attach a file, click "Attach file" and select a document from your computer.
    • Note: Your document will be automatically converted to PDF on upload.
    • Use the pencil icon to rename the document.
    • Administrators: Use the "Add to Documents?" link and select a category to save your attachment to the Documents page.
    • Click "Attach another file" to upload another document. You can attach up to 5 documents per note.
  6. Click "Turn off" to disable comments for your note. By default, comments are enabled.
  7. Click "Post it" to publish your note


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