If your street address is listed incorrectly:
All changes to your street address must be submitted to support@eneighbors.com. Be sure to include your name, your current (inaccurate) street address and your new (accurate) street address.
If you moved to a new home, please follow the steps below to change your street address:
1. Sign in at www.eNeighbors.com
2. Click "Privacy Settings" from your profile drop down menu (upper-right)
3 . Click "Claim another address"
4. Type your new street address
5. Click "Claim Address" on the map
6. Enter your invite code and click "Join Now!"
NOTE: If you don't have an invite code, click "Request Access".
After you add your new street address, you will want to remove your old one. From the Privacy Settings tab, click "Delete this address from my profile".
Prakash called me this evening.
He lives on Fredrickson Circle, not Drive
Can you correct this?
We could see how to correct names and telephone numbers, but not the street address
All street address changes must be emailed to support@eneighbors.com. I updated his street address as requested. Please let us know if you need anything else.